Stithians Community Primary School

Stithians Community Primary School

Inspiration - Understanding - Value - Responsibility

Stithians CP School, Church Road, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7DH

01209 860547


If you are interested in applying for a place at Stithians C P School, we strongly advise visiting the school. Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you make for your child and - quite apart from the information on these pages, inspection reports and league tables - you will want to know at first-hand the ethos of the school, the manner in which its values are lived out and the strength of relationships that will support him or her throughout their primary years.

Stithians is a community school and applications are administered centrally by Cornwall Council. 

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you will need to apply for a place for September 2025.

The application window will open on 1 September 2024 and will close at midnight on 15 January 2025.

Cornwall Council – Admission Arrangements for Community and VC Infant, Primary & Junior Schools 2024/25

Cornwall Council – Admission Arrangements for Community and VC Infant, Primary & Junior Schools 2025/26

Click here for the council's admissions page.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.



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