Stithians Community Primary School

Stithians Community Primary School

Inspiration - Understanding - Value - Responsibility

Stithians CP School, Church Road, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7DH

01209 860547


Welcome to Gunwalloe Class


Amanda Foster

Support Staff

Jo Strick Donna Ayres Kate Manley


Welcome to Gunwalloe Class.

We are looking forward to welcoming all the new pupils and their families to the school through our 'meet and greet' sessions and other visits for school occasions.


Transition time - Tuesday 9th July 9.15am-10.20am.  This is a short get together as a whole class in order to all meet each other.

Meet and Greet times - On Friday 6th, Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th you will all have a meet and greet session in school with Miss Foster and Mrs Strick.  This will be a time for you and your child to ask any questions you may have, for your child to receive their school book bag and other goodies to start their school life and for us to gain information about your child that will support us in ensuring your child's needs are met in school.

FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL FOR RECEPTION CLASS - Monday 16th September 2024, 8.45am.

Please take a moment to look at the following information provided to help support you and your child through the Reception Class.



Our Welcome Pack details all the day-to-day information you may require.

The Photo Gallery is full of helpful images of the Gunwalloe team, members of the school staff, and pictures of the inside and outside facilities.

The school's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy includes:

  • The school's vision
  • Aims and principles
  • Planning and organising the curriculum
  • Classroom organisation and resources
  • Use of whole school resources
  • Induction
  • Involving parents
  • Language and literacy supporting the reception child
  • Assessment and record keeping
  • Monitoring and evaluation

The Early Years ELGs and Development Statements introduces parents to the seven areas of learning and development.

A baseline assessment will take place within the first six weeks of entry to school. This information pack is sent out to all parents at the beginning of the year. For more information, see the government website here.


Class information

Hi, my name is Nellie and I am a cuddly blue elephant. .

Every Friday I sneak into a bag in the hopes of joining one of the children for the weekend.  I am a great guest as I am snuggly, quiet and will eat almost anything.  I am partial to biscuits so it is probably best if you hide them up high in a  cupboard.  I travel with few possessions, even though Miss Foster has promised to make me some pyjamas.  If you would like to add something for the next sleepover, I would be very appreciative (ie a toothbrush)

Termly Newsletters

Click below to read the latest termly newsletter

Newsletter - Summer Term 2

Newsletter - Summer Term 1

Newsletter - Spring Term 2

Newsletter - Spring Term 1

Newsletter - Autumn Term 2

Newsletter - Autumn Term 1

Yearly Topic webs

Half-termly topic webs for the school year are shown below. Click on the available links to view the topic webs.

Autumn term Spring term Summer term

Who am I?

Let's Celebrate

Beep! All Aboard.

Let's Dig It!

Animals - from tall to short

Children's Choice

Weekly celebration certificates - Spring Term 1

POW        Jowan                                      Trust/Honesty - Gil                  

POW       Amara                                      Friendship - Finn

POW       Ollie H                                      Friendship -  Betsy


Weekly blog

3rd May 2024
What do we know about amphibians?  Lots after this week. We started the week by discussing what we already know about the group of animals called amphibians before learning new facts.  We found some unusual amphibian names and some amazingly colourful creatures. We then took a closer look at the frog lifecycle, a frog food chain and other interesting information using a story called 'The Perfect Ribbit'.  In Maths we worked hard to complete animal tangrams and in phonics we have used our segmenting skills to write froggy facts.  A new group of four children have created display models of amphibians using a variety of resources and we had fun singing a song and dancing like a frog.  Finally we have started to plan our animal stories, took some time to discuss relationships with our friends in a feelings circle time and have enjoyed some great outdoor time creating a water feature and a mud kitchen area.
26th April 2024
This week in Gunwalloe we have been learning about insects.  From our investigations last week we discussed categories of animals, many of which lay eggs.  The children chose to take a closer look at insects this week and found out that ALL insects have six legs, three parts to their body (head, thorax, abdomen) and that they may have 1 pair or two pairs of wings.  Apart from this fact finding mission, the children have completed ladybird doubles, caterpillar missing numbers, lifecycle of a butterfly and symmetrical patterns on the wings of a butterfly.  Our plants are starting to grow with the beans showing roots and shoots and the cacti have decided to sprout.  Our garden is now coming together with lots of seeds planted outside - we are watching this space. See our class dojo for photographs of these activities.
19th April 2024
This week we have started our new topic 'Animals - from tall to short'.  Alongside this topic we will continue to plant seeds in our garden and watch things grow.  To start the week off we read 'Chickens are not the only ones'.  The children learnt that lots of animals lay eggs - reptiles, amphibians, birds and even two mammals.  We continued this theme by looking at the lifecycle of an chicken and the class learnt lots of new vocabulary.  In Art we have created animals using our handprints, started a fact sheet about our chosen animals before we begin our story making.  In Maths we have worked on doubles using ladybird/domino spots whilst in writing we have focussed on our letter formation.  What a busy first week.  Please check out Gunwalloe's newsletter for information about a home activity we would like the children to complete.
Bug Club - sequence of learning in Reception
Bug Club Phonics Classroom Resources
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